Terms & Conditions

General terms and conditions of sale
It is important that you read all the terms and conditions carefully. YMA owns and writes the site www.yma-paris.com whose registered office is located at 53 RUE VICTOR HUGO -94140 Alfortville France, registered with the R.C.S of the val de marne under the n°830 057 451 00015
All the conditions govern the sales by the company YMA dedicated to the electronic commerce of the sale of clothing online
The general conditions of sale detailed below apply to all orders placed via the Website www.yma-shopp.com . YMA reserves the right to adapt or modify the GTC at any time. The conditions applicable to the order of a product by a customer are those in force on the day of the order. Consequently, the fact of placing an Order requires the full prior and unreserved acceptance of these GTC by the Customer by clicking on the button "I have read and accept the general conditions of sale"
- To place an order on the site, the customer must be of legal age and legally capable. When placing his first order, the customer will have to register on the site in order to create a customer account and fill out an order form specifying all the necessary up-to-date information. The Customer's registration on the Site is validated by YMA after verification of the order form. The Customer receives a registration confirmation e-mail.
When creating his Account, the Customer must ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the information he provides. The Customer is required to update his personal information. In the event of an error in the recipient's contact details, YMA will not be held responsible for the impossibility of delivering Products.
To connect to his customer account, the site requires the identification of the user and a password for access. Unauthorized use or access to such restricted parts of this website is prohibited. By accessing certain parts of the Website requiring a user ID and a password, you agree that YMA is authorized to take note of the instructions received under your username and password and cannot be held responsible for any unauthorized access to your personal information, YMA may therefore delete any customer account for any reason of its own.
Regarding the protection of personal data, the customer has the right of access, modification, rectification, opposition and deletion and their personal data to exercise this right you must send an email to contact@yma-shopp.com
The products offered for sale are those described on the Site within the limits of available stocks. YMA provides accurate descriptions and complete information of these products. These indications are updated automatically in real time. However, it is possible that non-substantial errors may appear on the site, whatever the origin, does not engage the responsibility of YMA. As such, YMA cannot be held responsible for the cancellation of an Order for a Product due to the exhaustion of stocks.
In the event of a return, it is possible that the Customer receives, following an Order, a part previously returned by another person. YMA only accepts returns of Products under its original conditions, unwashed and unworn, with all the labels these conditions being checked before being put back in stock.- Availability
Our products are offered as long as they are visible on the site www.yma-paris.com and within the limits of available stocks. In case of unavailability of a product after placing your order, we will inform you by email. Your order will be automatically canceled and no bank debit will be made.
All orders placed on the Site follow a procedure set up by YMA on the site including steps leading to the validation of the Order.
The Customer can select as many Products as he wishes which will be added to the basket. The Basket includes the Products chosen by the Customer as well as the prices and transport costs. The Customer will be able to modify the Basket before validation of his Order.
Aristide reserves the right not to register a payment, and not to confirm an order for any reason whatsoever, and more particularly in the event of a supply problem, or in the event of difficulty concerning the order received.
- Validation of your order
Any order appearing on the website www.yma-shopp.com assumes adherence to these General Conditions. Any order confirmation entails your full and complete adherence to these general conditions of sale, without exception or reservation.
All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will prove the transaction.
You declare to have perfect knowledge of it.
The order confirmation will constitute signature and acceptance of the operations performed.
A summary of your order information will be sent to you in PDF format via the e-mail address confirming your order.
Once the customer has validated his order, Yma acknowledges receipt without delay by electronic means sent to the address provided by the customer A confirmation email summarizing the Order of the products, prices, availability of the products, will be sent to the Customer by YMA. For this purpose, the Customer formally accepts the use of e-mail for confirmation by YMA of the content of his Order. The invoices are available in the "my account" section of the site.
- Modification or cancellation or REFUSAL TO PROCESS AN ORDER
Any modification or cancellation of an order is impossible from the moment the order has been validated. YMA has the right to remove a Product displayed on the Site or modify information appearing on the latter. YMA will not be held responsible to the Customer for any modifications made on the site.
-Force majeure The performance of the seller's obligations at the end of these terms is suspended in the event of the occurrence of a fortuitous event or force majeure that would prevent its execution. The seller will notify the customer of the occurrence of such an event as soon as possible. YMA will therefore not be responsible if an incident occurs during delivery due to force majeure (natural disaster, war, epidemic ect). The customer has his right of withdrawal which he has sent by email but if the latter exceeds this deadline no compensation will be made by Aristide.
- Price and method of payment
Customs fees and other taxes are not included in the price paid by the customers, these costs must be paid by the consumer directly with the carriers
The prices of our products are indicated in euros excluding processing and shipping costs which will be displayed during the validation of the order
In case of an order to a country other than metropolitan France, you are the importer of the product(s) concerned. Customs duties or other local taxes or import duties or state taxes may be payable. These rights and sums are not the responsibility of YMA. They will be at your expense and are your sole responsibility, both in terms of declarations and payments to the competent authorities and bodies in your country. We advise you to find out about these aspects from your local authorities.
All orders regardless of their origin are payable in euros.
The company YMA reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, but the product will be invoiced on the basis of the rate in force at the time of validation of the order and subject to availability.
The products remain the property of Aristide until full payment of the price.
Attention: as soon as you take physical possession of the ordered products, the risks of loss or damage to the products are transferred to you.
Payment The prices on the site are displayed in dollars or depending on your country, During the validation of the customer's order, the payment of purchases is made either via Paypal, or via a secure platform. The Customer acknowledges that the communication of his credit card number to Aristide constitutes authorization to debit his Account for the price of the Products ordered. Otherwise, an Order cancellation email for non-payment is sent to the Customer by Aristide on the email address provided by the Customer when registering on the Site.
All data are recorded during orders by Aristide constitute proof of the sales made as well as financial transactions.
The fact of validating your order implies for you the obligation to pay the indicated price.
The payment of your purchases is made by credit card thanks to our secure system
The debit of the card is only made at the time of shipment of the order. In the case of split deliveries, only the products shipped are debited.
- Return and Refund
In accordance with the provisions of Article L.121-21 of the Consumer Code, you have a withdrawal period of 14 days from receipt of your products to exercise your right of withdrawal without having to justify reasons or pay a penalty.
The Product must be returned in its complete original packaging, in its original condition, new, unworn, unwashed with all labels. In this context, your responsibility is engaged. Any damage suffered by the product on this occasion may be such as to defeat the right of withdrawal.
The return costs are entirely at the expense of the customer

YMA will refund the sums paid, within 14 days of notification of your request and via the same means of payment as that used when ordering.
The physical possession of the products to the customers represents the delivery, YMA works with the carriers of the post office and colissimo.The Delivery costs applicable to the Order are those mentioned on the Site at the time of the Order.
The products are delivered to the delivery address of the Customer's residence. The Delivery must imperatively be made to the domiciles of a natural person.
In case of impossibility to make the Delivery, The carrier would keep it within 14 days then it will be sent back to the premises of YMA.
In case of absence, the carrier leaves a notice indicating the location of the Product and the procedure to be followed to proceed with a new Delivery.
YMA delivers Orders within a maximum period of principle of 10 working days for Delivery in Metropolitan France and 20 working days for international Delivery, this period being counted from the day after the validation of the
Command . For an excellent delivery process, the information provided by the customer must be complete regarding the delivery address.
In case of late shipment, an email will be sent to you to inform you of a possible consequence on the delivery time that has been indicated to you. YMA cannot be held responsible for the delay in delivery, In accordance with the legal provisions, in case of late delivery, you have the possibility to cancel the order under the conditions and modalities defined in Article L 138-2 of the Consumer Code.
- Availability
Our products are offered as long as they are visible on the site www.yma-paris.com and within the limits of available stocks. In case of unavailability of a product after placing your order, we will inform you by email. Your order will be automatically canceled and no bank debit will be made.
- Guarantee
All our products benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity and the guarantee of hidden defects, provided for by articles 1641 and following of the Civil Code. In case of non-conformity of a product sold, it may be returned, exchanged or refunded.
All complaints, requests for exchange or refund must be made by email ymaparis.contact@gmail.com within 14 days of delivery, precisely the nature of the hidden defect.
The Product must be returned in its complete original packaging, in its original condition, new, unworn, unwashed with all the original labels.The shipping costs will be refunded to you on the basis of the price and the return costs will be refunded to you upon presentation of supporting documents.
The provisions of YMA do not prevent you from benefiting from the right of withdrawal provided for.
In case of non-compliance with the return procedure, no exchange or refund or credit note is possible.
- Responsibility
The products offered comply with the French legislation in force. The responsibility of the company YMA can not be engaged in case of non-compliance with the legislation of the country where the product is delivered. It is up to you to check with the local authorities the possibilities of importation or use of the products that you plan to order.
Moreover, the YMA company cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from improper use of the purchased product.
Finally, YMA cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular a break in service, an external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses.
Applicable law in case of disputes
The language of this contract is the French language. These conditions of sale are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the client and Aristide may resort to conventional mediation. Any dispute relating to the interpretation of the GTC, in the absence of an amicable agreement, the French courts will be the only competent ones.
- Intellectual property
All the elements of the site www.yma-shopp.com are and remain the exclusive intellectual property of YMA No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, redistribute, or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site whether they are software, visual or sound. Any simple or hypertext link is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of YMA.
- Personal data
YMA reserves the right to collect personal information and personal data about you. They are necessary for the management of your order, as well as for the improvement of the services and information that we send you.
They can also be transmitted to the companies that contribute to these relationships, such as those responsible for the execution of services and orders for their management, execution, processing and payment.
This information and data are also kept for security purposes, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations.
In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition to personal information and personal data concerning you, directly on the website.
- Archiving Proof
Aristide will archive the purchase orders and invoices on a reliable and durable medium constituting a faithful copy in accordance with the provisions of Article 1348 of the Civil Code.
The computerized registers of YMA will be considered by all the parties concerned as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties.
-Protection of personal data In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the rights to query, access, modify, oppose and rectify personal data concerning you. By adhering to these general terms and conditions of sale, you consent to us collecting and using this data for the performance of this contract. By entering your email address on one of the sites of our network, you will receive emails containing information and promotional offers concerning products published by the site www.yma-paris.com You can unsubscribe at any time. To do this, simply click on the link at the end of our emails or contact us by mail contact@yma-shopp.com .All your account information is kept and not shared as well as banking transactions which are managed by our secure platforme.
This article was updated on 02/26/2023